Privacy Policy.

Shy Guy Beverages (ABN 91 658 079 906) (“we”, “us”, “our”) is committed to protecting any personal information we collect.  We will always comply fully with the National Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (the Act), as they apply to us. We will only collect, use or disclose personal information in accordance with the Act and this privacy policy.

In this policy we refer to:

  • Personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”): this is information from which your identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained.

  • Sensitive information (“Sensitive Information”): this is a type of Personal Information which is information you disclose to us about your physical and mental health and wellbeing.

  • Non-personally identifiable information (“Non-Personal Information”): this is information that by itself does not identify you. For example, your IP address, data about your use of our website and the type of browser you use.

Collection of Personal Information

We may collect Personal Information in various ways:

  • in the course of your visit to our website, if you input Personal Information where this is requested; or

  • by various other means during your interaction with our business.

More specifically:

  • registering your details with us, for example by registering for our newsletter;

  • purchasing of goods or services from our website;

  • information collected by our delivery agents;

  • participating in promotions or competitions whether on our website or elsewhere; or

  • participating in one of our questionnaires, programs or events on our website or elsewhere.

Collection of Non-Personal Information

We may collect Non-Personal Information when you use our website or answer anonymous questionnaires and feedback requests. Some of this information may be collected through the use of cookies and by other automated means.

Use of Personal and Non-Personal Information

Personal Information collected is used when we advise all or some of our customers of offers and special events and promotions. If you do not wish to receive these offers, you can click the unsubscribe link in your next email or email us at

Non-Personal Information is used when we:

  • optimise and/or personalise the experience you get from our website; or

  • provide data on website use to third parties, for example, advertisers on our website.


Sensitive Information will only be used or disclosed by us for providing our services and offerings to you. It will not otherwise be disclosed or used unless you have expressly consented, we are required to by law, or in an emergency; to do so is considered likely to reduce a serious threat to a person’s health or safety.

We may disclose your other Personal Information to:

third parties if those persons or entities are used by us in order to carry out (or help us carry out) any of the purposes for which we have collected the information (for example if we use a third party to deliver goods ordered, process orders or carry out accounting functions);

  • persons or entities specifically consented to by you; or

  • persons we are required by law to make the disclosure to.

In addition, if we sell our business and this involves a substantial transfer of assets then you consent to us transferring Personal Information, Sensitive Information and Non-Personal Information held by us to the third party provided they agree to hold that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Declining to Provide Information

You may decline to provide us with Personal Information we request, however this may mean that certain offerings are not then available to you. You may also decline to provide us with certain Non-Personal Information, but this may mean that you are unable to enjoy the full functionality of the website.

Website security

We are committed to protecting the security of the Personal Information we collect. All communications through our website occur in a secure environment using the latest technology.

We will also monitor and implement appropriate technical advances or management processes in order to safeguard your Personal Information.

We use ‘cookies’ (a small amount of information sent from our server to your computer) to enhance the performance of the website.  These are mostly ‘session-based’, and do not stay on your computer permanently, although they can be used to retrieve certain information you previously provided to us, so that you do not need to re-enter this information every time you use our website.

We track our customers movement around the website for our own website research and improvement purposes only. No other personal details are collected from this research. This is not used to create customer profiles.

Access to records

We are happy to provide you with details of all your personal records at your request.  There are certain exemptions that may apply to the provision of that information. We may charge an administration fee for granting access to information.

Personal information will be managed confidentially and securely and destroyed appropriately when no longer required.

Other Websites

Where our website contains links to other websites, we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of those websites.

Acceptance of this Privacy Policy

Your acceptance of this Privacy Policy is indicated by you using our website or availing yourself of any offerings available from the website. Any variation to the Privacy Policy is accepted by you, if you use the website or avail yourself of any offerings available from the website after the date the change appears on the website. Please do not use this website or make use of any offerings if you do not agree to this Privacy Policy.

For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by e-mail at